Liz Brieva

Liz Brieva's Fundraiser

Together we can foster leadership skills and confidence in girls through their participation in a wide variety of sports. image

Together we can foster leadership skills and confidence in girls through their participation in a wide variety of sports.

Join me and help make a difference in the lives of young girls in our community.


$1,300 towards $5,000

Join me in supporting Girls Play Sports, an organization that I have been helping build in our community!

Girls Play Sports is a non-profit (501c3) organization dedicated to building leadership skills and confidence in girls through their participation in a wide variety of sports. Girls Play Sports was created to unlock doors, to expose girls to positive, strong role models, and to let girls have fun playing sports without a scoreboard, coach, or long-term season commitment. The Girls Play Sports programs emphasize pride in being a female athlete.

A few years ago, Chris Livatino, the athletic director at Evanston Township High School, asked me if I would like to work with him to somehow increase participation of girls playing sports in Evanston. We were not sure how we were going to go about it, but we knew something had to change. I have always been involved in sports, from the whiffle ball games with my family to being a two sport athlete at ETHS to playing volleyball in college. I knew playing sports helped shape me into to the person I am today. I wanted to help young girls in Evanston realize how fun playing sports can be, no matter what level. Building confidence and encouraging young people to be the best they can be is at the core of our mission at Girls Play Sports. While we have been able to increase participation of girls playing sports at ETHS by 25%, the most significant work ahead of us is to reach more girls across our community.

Help us ensure that the Girls Play Sports programs can continue to run in our community because girls need a place where they can get exposure to multiple sports that might interest them. Exposure to multiple sports will decrease early burnout and overuse injuries due to sport specialization at young ages. It builds confidence and it keeps sports fresh and fun! It also helps improve the overall athleticism of young athletes and it allows girls to connect with a wider group of girls.

Girls Play Sports is an organization that means a lot to me. Please help us ensure that the Girls Play Sports programs can continue to help our girls become better women and the leaders of tomorrow. Let's support good in our community and make a difference!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Girls Play Sports.